Doherty Sale House

How Plants Help create/maintain a Healthier Lifestyle

Plants have several benefits amongst them providing food, enhancing the beauty of a place, cleaning the indoor air we breathe and so much more. Additionally, they help humans maintain a healthier lifestyle, therefore, it is no surprise that plants can help create a healthier lifestyle.

  • Plants Bring Positive Feelings:Researchers report that the more an individual inhales and comes into physical contact with plants and plant soils, the more they experience positive feelings. Many scientists have conducted several studies and confidently encouraged the population to spend extra time playing with or in the dirt. Therefore, you are encouraged to have plants in your house in places close enough for you to experience this positive type of environment regularly. Place your house plants anywhere from the kitchen, bedrooms, workspaces, and living room in order to experience this positive vibe of energy your plants radiate!
  • Developed Responsibility:In the absence of tasks to keep us grounded or occupied and a schedule to complete tasks in time, we would be lazy, bored, unhealthy, and unproductive. Committing to caring for any living thing such as a plant will encourage you to always keep on schedule with your tending to the plant and the attention that you give the plant. Additionally, when you live on a schedule, you develop healthy disciplines that will be useful in other parts of your life. The end result is that you will become more effective in your daily life and mentally organized.
  • Air Purification:Currently, the global population has risen to thereabout 8 million and continues to drastically grow. Due to this increase in population, several substantial developments and constructions have been made while we forget that we need other life forms aside from us to sustain our lives. Plants serve as just that.
  • Plants provide balance: We humans breathe oxygen and exhale Carbon Dioxide which is toxic to us. Plants on the other hand do the opposite of what we do, they take in Carbon Dioxide and give out Oxygen. This way, they globally maintain the gases to levels appropriate for our survival. Likewise, this balance is healthy for your home, with plants in your home, you are assured of a healthier and better environment for your loved ones. A higher Oxygen level in your home translates to a healthier and more effective body; this is why people with breathing complications or extreme health complications are given oxygen tanks. A boost of the oxygen levels in your environment will translate into a higher oxygen percentage in your body decreasing fatigue and boosting your mental activity through the release of positive hormones in your body.

Example of a plant that increases the air quality in your home or office.

  • While some plants are reputable at cleaning the environmental air around them to remove pollutants and increase air quality, generally all plants have this ability only that their rates vary.

For example, the Sansevieria or Snake Plant is a plant that has won the hearts of many for several reasons. However, the major one is that it is a low-maintenance plant that requires very minimal care and attention yet it increases the air quality in your house or office. It is even approved by NASA for doing just that.


Most people barely realize that the air in a building or home is by far worse than the air outside in the middle of major cities. This is because pollutants can get into an enclosed space quickly but often stay circulated in the HVAC systems finding it difficult to escape. Having plants in your home will ensure improved air quality since they will fight the air pollutants in strife to balance the air components. Research confirms that there about 87% of air pollutants can be filtered out by plants. Some of these pollutants include critically harmful chemicals like benzene and formaldehyde which are infamous for causing cancer. Therefore, having plants in your home or office could just help your live a healthier lifestyle.

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